BellCentre Neighborhood

Explore an interactive map below to discover unique highlights about the local neighborhood.

Walk Score

Walkability to shops, schools, and parks.

Transit Score

Access to nearby buses, trains, and trolleys.

Bike Score

Access to biking lanes, paths, trails, and parking.

Downtown Bellevue, WA Neighborhood Information

From shopping and dining to parks and plazas—downtown Bellevue has a little something for everyone. On Main Street, Old Bellevue will delight the senses with a variety of locally-owned boutiques and restaurants, while at The Bellevue Collection, Lincoln Square, Bellevue Square, and Bellevue Place combine to create a modern retail hub that hosts more than 200 high-end shopping, dining, and entertainment experiences. Art and culture come alive with performances at the Meydenbauer Center and rotating exhibitions at the Bellevue Arts Museum. All of this, surrounded by lush Pacific Northwest landscapes including a 20-acre Downtown Park and studded with 130 works of public art, make it no wonder that downtown Bellevue consistently ranks high on lists of the most livable cities in the nation.

Neighborhood Highlights

Escape Artist

Try out nearby escape room, Reality Break Escapes, and enjoy three themed rooms with a series of puzzles, games, and clues.

Community Conveniences

Enjoy the convenience of our ground-floor retail featuring The Melting Pot, Feng Hair Studio, and State Farm Insurance.

Parks & Rec

With its fountains, playgrounds, and circular track, Bellevue Downtown Park is an ideal destination for fresh air and green space.

Gardens Galore

Experience nature without venturing far at nearby Bellevue Botanical Garden, Washington Park Arboretum, UW Botanic Gardens, and the Seattle Japanese Garden.

Retail Therapy

Shop ‘til you drop at Bellevue Square, with more than 200 shops and many options for fine dining.

Arts & Culture

Bellevue Arts Museum provides an array of art exhibits plus creative children’s activities.

Find Your Home

With a wide range of floor plan options, you'll have no problem finding a space that's perfect for you.

Floor Plans & Pricing